Wednesday, August 15, 2012

0 Cool Ways to Save on Fashion Goods

It's something that many people from both genders deal with - wanting to look fantastic in their choice of clothing and accessories. Billions of dollars are spent every year on everything from shoes and pants, jackets and suits, to earrings and haircuts, styling products and plastic surgery.
In this ongoing quest to look good, it's easy to forget that many of the images and products we see gracing the covers of magazines in the checkout aisle, or online on our favorite celebrities, are inherently expensive.
For most people brands like Gucci are out of reach. The same goes for jewel studded accessories and custom tailored clothing. That doesn't mean that you can't look good on a budget though. Below are a few tactics that the 'rest of us' leverage in order to have a fantastic wardrobe without breaking the bank.
1. Shop online!
By far the easiest way to find deals in today's day and age is to do a quick Google search. In the past people were limited to what was sold in town or through mail order catalogs or TV shopping networks. All that has changed, and you can now literally browse through millions upon millions of products from tens of thousands of merchants across the globe.
Looking for the latest fashions? You can be certain that there are a few dozen sites that offer what you're looking for. Even better, these sites need to compete to stay afloat, so they often times offer fantastic coupons or savings to get you to buy.
2. Consignment shop are your friend
An old stand-by, and one of the longest lived tips around. Depending on where you live, you may have 1-2 consignment shops or literally dozens. If you're from a small town plan a trip to the nearest decent sized city to do a tour of the consignment shops. You'll find fantastic deals on gently used goods and come out looking like a star.
3. Go cheap, but in a good way
Just because something has a brand name on it doesn't mean it's the best quality out there, quite the contrary. Many 'high end' brands have middling quality, so make sure to get into the habit of looking at things from a quality perspective, not from the perspective of the 'quality' of the brand name. You say you want a golden bangle with diamonds? How about a gold colored bangle with cut glass instead? Most people won't notice, and unless you're trying to pass off an engagement ring with a fake item, no one really cares.
There are plenty of resources to find great good online. Be sure to check out other ways to find fashion items, cool deals, or to buy bangles.

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